English 繁體中文
第4卷 第2期
  • A類
  • 從實習學生觀點探討國小數學教學之實習現況與支持策略
    Student teachers’ perspectives on the mathematic teaching internship
    趙曉美; 鍾靜
  • B類
  • 國小數學教師專業標準與專業發展需求
    Professional standards and professional development needs of mathematics teacher in elementary school
  • 我國中小學教師專業發展實務與研究的問題與展望
    Problems and Prospects of the Practice and Research of Teacher Professional Development in Taiwan
    張德銳; 郭淑芳
  • 大學與中學夥伴協作實施歷程與成效之研究
    The Study of Process and Effect of The Implementation on The School-University Partnership
  • Analysis of Language Teachers’ Professional Development Based on Wallace’s Models and Its Implications
    Analysis of Language Teachers’ Professional Development Based on Wallace’s Models and Its Implications
  • 學生學習成就議題
  • 自我效能、學習策略與學業成就之關係研究:結合後設分析與結構方程模式
    Relationships between Self-Efficacy, Learning Strategies and Academic Achievement: