第17卷 第2期
17-2 編輯室報告
Investigation and Analysis of Mandarin Pronunciation Errors among Elementary Pre-service Teachers -
以小學教師資格考探索人工智慧工具於師資養成輔助的潛力-試題 認知層次分析
Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teacher Preparation Based on the Elementary School Teacher Qualification Examination: Analyzing the Cognitive Level of Examination Questions -
國小低年級跨領域素養導向美感教學之課程實踐 —以身高樹為例
The Curriculum Practice of Cross Domain Competence Oriented Aesthetic Education-Taking Height Measurement On The Tree -
A Study on the Pedagogical Practices and Effect of Infusing Kanakanavu Arts and Culture into a Preschool Aesthetic Curriculum