English 繁體中文
第16卷 第1期
  • 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 版權頁
  • 16-1 編輯室報告
  • 教學實習課程協同師徒制師資生專業成長之研究
    A Study on The Professional Development of Pre-service Teachers through Collaborative Mentorship in Educational Practicum Courses
    *方舟 , 周水珍
  • 雙語教育推行之探討:以臺北市一所雙語實驗課程國中為例
    Development of Bilingual Education–A case study of a junior high school with a bilingual curriculum in Taipei City of Taiwan
    *劉堯馨 林子斌
  • 運用Lee Shulman教學推理與行動模式分析國小教師國語教學知識之轉化
    Applying Lee Shulman’s Model of Pedagogical Reasoning and Action to Analyze the Transformation of Elementary School Teachers Teaching of Chinese Language Arts
    左榕* 林意雪
  • 初任教師兼任行政職務工作壓力與其因應策略之研究:以新北市公立小型國民小學為例
    The Job Stress and Coping Strategies of Beginning Teachers with Administrative Positions: A case study of public small elementary schools in New Taipei City
    陳經綸 陳建志*